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Exploring new concepts in home help

Robot Central offers a full interactive show displaying robots like you have never seen them before. Our very first feature hiring in 2023 will be the Terminator themed T-1-FNY denonstrating that even robots can help around the home, with a little bit of help.
Come and meet T-1-FNY and see how Robot central implemented its Object Recognition systems allowing T-1-FNY to opperate autonomously.
See her react to a variety of situations and take a few photos of the only working, autonomous T-1 HunterKiller Battle Tank in the UK.
Fully interactive show offering entertainment for the whole family
Robot Central is a subsiduary of Podpadstudios Ltd offering Film,TV & Exhibition creations for Hire to UK events.
The core of our compnay is as creators for Film, TV and Exhibitions.
Our House props, fabricated over a number of years offers us the opportunity to share some of the magic of the Film industry into UK live events.
We have a considerable collection of Film and TV inspired robots and that is what Robot central is all about.
What do not offer is static boring displays.
All our robots displays are fully interactive offering entertainment for the whole family. As part of our Hire package we offer interactive shows running a number of times each day.

If you are interested in booking one of our displays or shows or would just like more information, please contact us.
All the robot central shows ocupy a display footprint of 8m x 4m and feature interactive elements and are family friendly.
email Us
Podpadstudios Ltd.
Managing Directors : Mark Enright BA (Hons)
Anna Enright BA(Hons)
'Building the future from the past'


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